So yeah, that's how pi works. anyway...
Oh indie-folk, you are an evil temptress. I spend quite a pretty penny making it to shows just to see 2 or 3 pained solo acts who decide to take their pain on the road, inevitably making theirs an even more pain filled life...
okay, enough of that babbling. I loves me some indie-folk (I wonder just how often I'm going to say that). The show at the Larimer Lounge last night was a show filled with the amazingness that is Langhorne Slim. But first, I'll start with the openers.
The Hollyfelds were the first band to play, and I was rather pleased the show opened with such a bright and cheerful band, despite the fact that their songs ranged from drinking to suicide to drinking (said the blogger playfully). I am actually kind of disappointed in the crowd because there were about seven people there for the first half of their set, and then about 12 people when they finished. While that means that when they looked into the crowd one of the lead singers recognized me from my myspace photo and kinda gave me a shout out, I'm still upset that there were not more people to appreciate their efforts. They covered a Neko Case song, and, though I dislike Ms. Case, I think the song was amazing (and I bet they did a much better job than Neko would have). I mostly think this because the singer who sang on that song had the voice of an angel (that's not to discredit the sultry vocals of the other singer, she was damn good too). I don't feel bad about hosting all of their songs (that I could find) because they have expressed that they want people to download and have all their songs, so here ya go:
The Hollyfelds - Dan's Song
The Hollyfelds - Old Carbon
The Hollyfelds - Indicision
The Hollyfelds - The Empress of Wyoming
this was the first time I saw the Greeley-based group Vitamins, but not for a lack of trying. Things just never worked out so that I'd be able to see them. Last night the stars must have been aligned just right. I was rather pleased to see that a few UNCO students came down for the show, filling the room nicely, and after about 10 minutes of sound-tech problems, the show got on, and the room filled with a dreamy-haze. Vitamins are a feel-good-a-holic's dream. well, maybe not the ultimate dream, but groovy people all the same. Listen up:
Vitamins - Brontosaurus
Vitamins - Shoot'em
Los Dos and The New American Ramblers were on next. Unfortunately the large crowd brought forth by Vitamins quickly dispersed back to Greeley, leaving the Larimer Lounge quite empty. Truthfully, I can understand to some degree why they wouldn't have stayed for Los Dos' set, but seriously, give the artists some credit for coming. This was actually the first time I'd ever heard of these fellas, and I have to say that I was rather pleased with their performance. I think that their placement in the evening could have been better coordinated, i.e. they could have played first, because their slow songs and country vocals really brought down what was left of the house, something that I think would have been better suited for the opening slot, seeming how the Hollyfelds and Vitamins had put this energy into the place that was, frankly, brought right down by Los Dos. They were good, damn good, but between the hi-energy acts like Vitamins and Langhorne Slim, it just didn't fit. here are some interestingly small (in size), but long (in duration) recordings of the boys in Los Dos.
Los Dos and The New American Ramblers - Mary and the Devil
Los Dos and The New American Ramblers - Bitter Water
Los Dos and The New American Ramblers - Dancing Down the Days
Los Dos and The New American Ramblers - Smile of Ivory
Los Dos and The New American Ramblers - Oil War Blues/Ain't No War Of Mine
Los Dos and The New American Ramblers - The River of the City
Los Dos and The New American Ramblers - God or the Thunder
Langhorne Slim put on quite the freeking show. I love those men. As soon as he took the stage, the room filled back up with good people in need of a good time, which Langhorne Slim delivered. There were the occasional issues with the sound guy and the equipment (Larimer Lounge can be kinda jank sometimes), but other than that there were absolutely no complaints, and I've not much more to say than SEE THESE MEN LIVE! I want to put the whole damn Langhorne Slim discography up, but that wouldn't be cool (since you ought to go out and buy it all), so I just put up a bunch. I hope it's not excessive. And while you could just as easily go over to the Daytrotter.com site and Download the Daytrotter session, I really want to stress that you have these songs, so I'm going to host the files right here too (but, if you can, give Daytrotter some well deserved traffic).
Langhorne Slim - My Future (off of Electric Love Letter)
Langhorne Slim - Lord (off of Electric Love Letter)
Langhorne Slim - Loretta Lee Jones (off of Electric Love Letter)
Langhorne Slim - Mary (off of When the Sun's Gone Down)
Langhorne Slim - I Will (off of When the Sun's Gone Down)
Langhorne Slim - English Tea (off of Daytrotter Session)
Langhorne Slim - By The Time the Sun's Gone Down (off of Daytrotter Session)
Langhorne Slim - She's Gone (off of Daytrotter Session)
Langhorne Slim - Restless (off of Daytrotter Session)
Since I don't have any live recordings of the Slim men, here are about a hundred videos of varying quality (the first one is amazing [b/c it's an actual music video]):