I'm pretty sure that's one of the best damn pictures I've had yet. Spectacular. How could it relate? Simple: it appears as though a few things are happening in this image. The ... androgen in the center appears to be learning, the monkey appears to be masturbating, the other sexless person between the two appears to be so excited by the blueprints that she is urinating, and the boy at the far left appears to be missing an arm. Still confused? Well, today, we are all learning that we have all underestimated the White Stripes.
Wow. That's quite a jump. I'm pretty sure that when I wrote that intro to this blog I was running purely on caffeine. Anyway, I think the concept is still presented: few people, in my opinion, really know how amazing the White Stripes can be. Now, you're prolly saying to me, "dude, some people consider them to be the best rock band ever, so how can you say that?" I can say that because not to many people have heard the passion that Jack White puts into the performance of Jolene in this live set/Bootleg. It is seriously one of the highlights of my music-listening career/life/whatev. Just so you can have some sort of foundation as to what most people have heard in relation to this song, here are two versions of it:
Dolly Parton - Jolene (off of Liam Howlett's Back To Mine(which means there is a possibility he edited it to make it more dancy, but I haven't read anything that says one way or another))
The White Stripes - Jolene
The reason I included the studio version of the White Stripes' Jolene was so you, if you hadn't heard it before, might understand where other people might be coming from when they say "eh, that cover was all right. nothin to write home about, but not the worst either." And now, so you can see where I'm coming from, I will post the Bootleg album "We're Sorry We're From Amerika."
(I think it's also notable that the duo excellently execute transitions between most of the songs, leaving the crowd, and, in truth, the listener, highly energizing, making this not only the best quality recording of the White Stripes live that I've ever heard, but the most titillating as well)
Band: The White Stripes
Date: 2005-06-24
Venue: Glastonbury Festival, Pilton, UK
Dead Leaves And The Dirty Ground
Blue Orchid
I Think I Smell A Rat/Passive Manipulation/I Think I Smell A Rat/Music Man/I Think I Smell A Rat
Let’s Shake Hands
The Nurse
Hotel Yorba
Jolene (Dolly Parton cover) [WHATEVER YOU DO, LISTEN TO THIS]
Ball & Biscuit (first verse only)
My Doorbell
Cannon/Broken Bricks/Cool Drink of Water Blues/Ball & Biscuit
Passive Manipulation
Same Boy You’ve Always Known
The Hardest Button To Button
We’re Going To Be Friends
Little Ghost
Death Letter
I Just Don’t Know What To Do With Myself (Dusty Springfield cover)
Screwdriver/Passive Manipulation/Screwdriver
Seven Nation Army
Bonus mp3: I just recently found a track off of Aluminium (sometimes spelled Alumiiinim). Info. here it is:
Aluminium - Aluminium
I preffer their covers of Dylan but thats just me right?
good set, but is there anyway u can start to rar these? save you bandwith and everyone else time
okay, i really love the jolene cover. it's amazing, isn't it?
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