That'd be me and my buddy Tom. We clearly have a very ... interesting sense of fashion. Tom, a month and some days ago decided our stupid little college was missing something: an open mic night. So he set one up at the local coffee shoppe,
Margie's Java Joint, and there was much rejoicing. So much rejoicing, in fact, that a second open was set up, and a plan for a monthly open mic was put in the works. At the first open mic there were performers of many sorts; poets, singer/songwriters, singers, and other all around awesome vocal-using folks.
(Photo by
Coleen Whitfield)
(Photo by
Coleen Whitfield)

The second open mic was much the same, except this time it was a little better advertised, and more people came, people who some of us didn't even know (*gasp!*). Hehe, anyway, the second time around I brought my little audio recorder because I knew that I was going to perform a song, I did not, however, expect that a performer such as Chuck Palmer (not
this Chuck Palmer [to my knowledge], or, really, any other googled Chuck Palmer) would show up and sing a few songs for us. I was, thusly, caught off guard and did not record his first song. But

I did get the other 5 he performed (all of them are
Simon & Garfunkel tunes).
Band: Chuck Palmer
Date: 2007-05-08
Venue: Margie's Java Joint, Greeley, CO
Leaves That Are Green (wasn't fast enough on the draw to get this one)
Bleeker StreetApril Come She WillKathy's SongPatternsFlowers Never Bend With The Rainfall(Photo by
Coleen Whitfield)

(Photo by Ivry)
After our man Chuck went on, there were maybe one or two people after him reading poetry or something before I went on. I read 3 poems, 2 of which were actually songs by John Darnielle, and 1 of which was one of mine, one which I had prepared for the previous open mic. Then my friend
Sean Prahinski joined me on stage with his glorious guit-box, and I sang one of my little songs.
The Golden Stars (feat. Sean Prahinski)
Date: 2007-05-08
Venue: Margie's Java Joint, Greeley, CO
Hipster Band (First Live Performance EVER!)
(Bonus MP3: Studio version of Hipster Band [which is much better than the live version ... mostly]:
The Golden Stars - Hipster Band [Edit] )
(Photo by
Coleen Whitfield)
(Photo by
Coleen Whitfield)

After I went on, there were a few more performances and such, and then my buddy Sean stepped up to the mic to do two of his own songs. He was a little nervous at first, but he quickly warmed up to the crowd, who obviously loved him to pieces :).
Sean PrahinskiDate: 2007-05-08
Venue: Margie's Java Joint, Greeley, CO
SpaceflightUntrue Dream
(Photo by
Coleen Whitfield)
(Photo by
Coleen Whitfield)

When Sean stepped down, it was, again (it being an open mic and all) taken up by another performer/reader/whatev. After a few more people went up, my fellow blogger,
Shan, took the stage. Ivry, one of our friends, recorded her with her camera and this is the audio from that.
Band: Shannon McAleb
Date: 2007-05-08
Venue: Margie's Java Joint, Greeley, CO
Be My Husband (Nina Simone Cover)

(Photo by
Coleen Whitfield)
1 comment:
the crys of "Sean U RAWK" still ring in my head
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