Rhinoceropolis had a show/birthday blast/fund raiser the other night and I decided to attend (see the bottom of the page for the live set). I tried to get a bunch of people together, which means I was lucky that I even got one friend to join me (my friends tend to think that Rhinoceropolis shows are a little sketch ...). Anyway, on the trip down in Casey's car I realized that my new camera, which I was going to be taking photos of the show with and delightfully hosting on this little blog thing here, was out of batteries. So that means there are no photos of the show, but that also means that I was able to take the memory card from the camera out and put it into the audio recorder I brought along to record the show, and I was able to record more music than previously counted on. Just goes to show you that there's frequently a bright side to things :).
[By the way, I'm using a new uploading website for the non-show mp3's, so if it doesn't work, let me know]
Rhinoceropolis shows frequently are advertised as starting around 9:30, and never really get off the ground until about 10:30 or 11. But because of the my not-wanting-to-miss-anything dorkiness I usually show up around 9:30. I figured since there were 7 bands on the bill for tonight, they actually might start at 9:30. This gave Casey a chance to look around the place (as it was his first time there) and me a chance to talk to some the of nice residents of Rhinoceropolis whom I've come to know. Then, miraculously, the show started at around 9:45.
The first band to play was the controversial band Whore Grinder. I got a chance to chat with the drummer, Tony, and the lead singer, Jerome, before their set, and they talked about why they were considered so controversial. They thought it mostly boiled down to their offensive jokes between songs and offensive song titles, though, apparently, others have remarked on their supposed offensive lyrics. Seeming how Jerome's lyrics are delivered via guttural screams, I doubt it's the lyrics. Honestly, I liked the guys, but I'm hoping that Tony was just having an off night, because his drumming was just a little slow on pretty much ever song. Dennis, the guitar player, was quick righteous, and I'd tell you how T Malone was on bass, but I couldn't hear it most the time. The recordings from their set didn't turn out so great (this being the first band I've recorded with the new device), so I'm not going to host it. If you'd like to check them out, here's their myspace.
The next group was a collective called Refuge.opalace. To my understanding it was 2 parts noise band, 1 part performance piece, the noise band being called opalace and the performer being called Refuge (could have been the other way around though). The girl who performed started out on the ground gyrating her body back and forth while opalace was starting up. She stopped and started every once and a while because there were some cord problems, but once the band was all ready, she really got into full swing. The only way I can really describe what she did was by saying that it was like witnessing a reverse exorcism. She shook and quaked and had a bit of a freak out and, all in all, I'd say I was rather terrified, and it was terrific. It really got me into the music. Try to imagine watching that while listening to their set (granted it's only 8ish minutes long...).
The next band was Outer Neon. They were like a mix between This Will Destroy You, Black Mountain, and Earthless. It was a little bit 70's style rock mixed with post rock style progressive jamming. With long songs these three relentless rock stars ... well ... rocked. Honestly, it was simply impressive and fun.
Nightshark, a Denver phenomenon, was up next. I'd seen these guys once before, but I had clearly not seen them on a good night, because I didn't remember them being as astonishing as they were this night. They sound like Midnight Jazz done by a noise band side project of Nick Zinner with a drummer who is actually an alien with several more arms and legs than we can see. I loved them more than I can even understand. So much so that I'm going to host some extra mp3's by them:
Nightshark - Spangalang
Nightshark - Johnny On The Spot
Nightshark - Don't try
Nightshark - Agnostic Priest
Up last was Mister Sister, another project by Buddy/Milton Melvin Croissant III and Warren/Spellcaster. Per the usual these boys cranked it up mega loud. Buddy was on drums and microphone and Warren was on guitar and microphone. It was interesting and good and all, but not the best I've seen from either of them. I know these guys can rock harder than hell, so that's not a slam to them, things just didn't seem to work out really well, with mic problems and cord problems and all. It was still fun though.
All in all, a good night out. Not the best show I've ever been to, or even the best Rhinoceropolis has to offer, but it was still worth it. I'd like to know what happened to the other two bands (They Will Use Your Bones For Tools, Weak Sisters) who were supposed to place though.
Band: Refuge.opalace, Outer Neon, Nightshark, & Mister Sister
Date: 2008-01-19
Venue: Rhinoceropolis, Denver, CO
Rufuge.opalace - (unknown title)
Outer Neon - (unknown title 1)
Outer Neon - (unknown title 2)
Outer Neon - (unknown title 3)
Outer Neon - (unknown title 4)
Nightshark - (unknown title 1)
Nightshark - (unknown title 2)
Nightshark - (unknown title 3)
Nightshark - (unknown title 4)
Mister Sister - (unknown title 1)
Mister Sister - (unknown title 2)
Mister Sister - (unknown title 3)
Mister Sister - (unknown title 4)
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