Looking for something to do here this Friday? Well we here in Denver have the option to go to this hear Slam Poetry what not. And by "option" I mean "you need to go if at all possible because it'll basically be the most rad thing to happen as far as poetry goes in a while." Don't get my wrong, the Merc's poetry slams are pretty made crazy, but this'll be like that but several times more mad. And if you've never seen anyone Live-Paint before, then this'll definitely be quite the experience for you (or you could just go to a Cloud Cult show).
Or if Poetry is not your thing, HEALTH is playing again On Saturday with the notorious Pictureplane, who hasn't played a show in a while. Love it, and you should too. Rhinoceropolis at 9:30ish, 10 PM. Be there, and Get Creep, I know I will.
I've also run across a few Raveonettes remixes

The Raveonettes - Dead Sound (Digital Leather Remix)
The Raveonettes - Dead Sound (Peter Holmstrom and Jeremy Sherrer remix)
French Quarter - Overpassing
Sia - Some People Have REAL Problems
Verdict: Love More (<3)
Sweet soft and folky at times, but also roughish and soulsy like you wouldn't believe (though not more than you could probably guess). Her true power lies in her ability to write lyrics fairly proficiently, but that doesn't mean the music isn't equally as gorgeous. But chances are, with all the press she seems to be getting (her CD was for sale in my neighborhood starbucks for christsake ... if that doesn't sell you some albums, nothing will) you all ready know that. If you don't, here's the hipster handbook on Sia's new album:
Sia - Lentil
Sia - The Girl You Lost To Cocaine
Sia - Soon We'll Be Found
60 Watt Kid - 60 Watt Kid
Verdict: Like ()
One of the more schizophrenic albums I've heard in a while. Don't get me wrong, I love it when bands mix it up and have trouble sticking to the same genre of music from song to song, but that doesn't mean it's any less jarring when I come across it. I think I need to let this one sink in a little more.
60 Watt Kid - American Standard, Pt. 1
60 Watt Kid - Going Home
60 Watt Kid - I Got Money
Raheem Devaughn - Love Behind The Melody
Verdict: Didn't Like (ΓΈ)
I couldn't even make it 1/2 way through this album, so maybe there are redeeming tracks on the 2nd half, but I highly doubt that. All in all a fairly awful and unoriginal album. It's like watching 6 year olds do Othello when you just saw it on Broadway.
Katie Goes To Tokyo - Katie Goes To Tokyo
Verdict: Like ()
At times the album sounds like a Natalie Imbruglia song, at times like Avril. There was something about it that made me like it though. Granted it's no album of the year, and I won't be listening to it every day for a month, but it's a nice album
Katie Goes To Tokyo - Everywhere I Go
Katie Goes To Tokyo - The Girl Who Ruined Your World
Katie Goes To Tokyo - If It's Alright
Death From Above 1979 - You're a Woman, I'm a Machine
Verdict: Love More (<3)
This album is a bit of a blast from my past, but I recently heard it again and wanted to reiterate my love for this band: I love them. Dance Punk Duo Jesse F. Keeler and Sebastien Grainger for a short time owned the skies. Unfortunately they decided to drop the band and pursue other things, which, while good, are no where near as a-freaking-stonishing as DFA1979. Revel:
Death From Above 1979 - Turn It Out
Death From Above 1979 - Cold War
Death From Above 1979 - You're a Woman, I'm a Machine
Epilogue: For your entertainment, Drew Danburry smacking his head into a light (I can't wait until he comes back into town:
1 comment:
It made me the saddest boi in town not to be at that show...Except I wasn't in town, that was the problem. -Ben
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