So last night French Quarter was supposed to come back to the old D-town and play at some random kid's house, something I was pretty much excited for. Unfortunately weather deemed this impossible. French Q. was upset, but promised to play here again soon. I'm still excited to see him again.
This week has been crazy. the highlight either had to be the awesome open mic, or the fact that Lost has come back on, or the fact that today is only one week away from the show I'm putting on with my buddy JJ. That's right folks, yours truly along with Karma Spares No One will be hosting a show. Here's the info on that biznatch:
The Empty Pilot
Milton Melvin Croissant III
Sean Prahinski
The Shaggy Ponies
Place: Istanbul Hookah Bar, 630 26th St , Garden City, CO 80631
Date: 8PM on Sat. Feb 9th
Price: FREE!
There ya have it. I hope every who can come does come, because it'll be pretty rad. oh, and here's some music:
Lärm - Extreme Noise
Verdict: Love (<)
Brutal Dutch Thrashcore with the usual Straight Edge-er-y themes (though not usual when they came out) and political themes and basically anything you can throw into a 60 second song. This reissue combines basically everything Lärm ever recorded, and, Lärm being one of the most influential Hardcore bands basically ever, that makes this release one that anyone who calls themselves punk needs to pick up.
Lärm - Its Not What It Seems To Be
Lärm - No One Can Be That Dumb
Lärm - Violence Sucks
Róisín Murphy - Overpowered
Verdict: Love More (<3)
Outrageously poppy club dance almost in the vein of Madonna. It's got a deep house feel to it at times, sometimes getting into Burial territory. I like it a lot, but every once and a while it get a little too pappy for me, which puts me off, because there's so much to like about it. Heck, it even sounds a little bit like Bat for Lashes, and who doesn't like them? It's conflicting, but maybe that's another reason I like this album so much: it really pushes my buttons.
Róisín Murphy - You Know Me Better
Róisín Murphy - Primitive
Róisín Murphy - Dear Miami
Tender Forever - Wider
Verdict: Love (<)
Her voice is really one of the more awkward sounding things out there, but after a minute or two it grows on you. Her electro-acoustic dream pop quickly won me over, and her awkwardly lovely lyrics kept me.
Tender Forever - Folded Papers
Tender Forever - Heartbroken Forever
Tender Forever - Doves Vs. Pigeons
Clipd Beaks - Hoarse Lords
Verdict: Love (<)
These guys are strange, and I, for the first time in a long time, have trouble really pinpointing what they sound like. Deep grooving bass lines that sometimes are all thats holding the song together, tortured vocals that are soothing at times, guitars that are as hip as the Yeah Yeah Yeahs (just try to imagine that that's possible), and drum beats that any drum enthusiast would be proud of (this guy is pretty fast at times). It comes off as a derivation of Grunge and Alt. Rock, but to what degree is anyone's guess.
Clipd Beaks - High on Charms
Clipd Beaks - Wrathscapes
Clipd Beaks - Black Glass
LCD Soundsystem - Confuse the Marketplace EP
Verdict:Love (<)
I'm a little afraid that the only reason I loved this EP was because it was, in fact, by LCD Soundsystem, who, in my eyes, can do little to no wrong (save for that 45:33 song ... that was just ludicrous). I'm not gonna lie though, this EP is weird, and rather unnecessary. Hardcore fans and collectors need apply.
LCD Soundsystem - Hippie Priest Bum-Out
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