Verdict: Love (<)
First off, I'd just like to say I'd love to post more songs off of this album, because so many are just astonishingly well done, but I've been asked not to, so I will respect that. Second, I'd like to say that this album is, so far, the feel good album of the year, but only because it's so good that it makes that phrase un-clichéd because it's so good. Granted, it's not the album of the year ... yet. It's been growing on me for a few days now, which is amazing because the first time I heard it I was thoroughly impressed. He's like Tom Waits and Damien Rice mixed with a twist of Colin Oberst. I just missed my chance to see him last Saturday, and I'm pretty bummed about that, especially after having fallen so hard for this album. Make sure to check out his videos, which are all amazingly done in one shot.
David Ford - Go To Hell
David Ford - Go To Hell Video
David Ford - I'm Alright Now Video
David Ford - State of The Union Video
David Ford - I Don't Care What You Call Me
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