Misquoted: w/ Davy Knowles & Back Door Slam
(Admittedly, the Mile High Music Festival had a lot of bands on the bill that I was fairly unfamiliar with. I was also unfamiliar with their styles of music, and really what their for of art was all about, so I asked a bunch of questions that got to the root of my curiosity towards their musical style. I asked basically the same questions to all the bands I interviewed so I could get a bunch of different points of view. Here's the first one)
LHJE: Do you guys think that popular music is in a transitional period, and, if so, where do you think it's going?
Davy Knowles (guitar, vocals): I think any kind of music is always in a transitional period, and, uh, I have no idea where it's going. If we knew that, we'd be there and be doing it and be very very rich (laughter)
Well I think you guys have a good sound as is, very "face-melting" … one of my follow up questions was how do you guys think your band fits into this possible new trend that may be happening with music?
DK: I think that if you spend your time wondering how you fit in and trying to fit in, you kind of lose what you need to be doing. You have to just … crack on and trust you gut instincts and
PK (bass): yeah, just put your head down and play.
DK: If people like it, that's great, but, you know what, you have to make yourself whole before you go in there.
Do you find yourself writing music that more fits what you think your style is or more, just whatever comes out in the writing process is whatever you put out?
DK: Whatever comes out., whatever comes out. More often than not it is in a frame work because of influences and stuff.
What kind of records have come out recently that have really changed the way you think about music?
DK: I thought John Mayer's last record Continuum was really good. He had this big hot thing going on, and I felt like he really grew up and really became a really credible guy after that. I was really amazed at that album. And with the trio too.
PK: that's a tough call, that's a very tough question. I'd have to think about it for a second.
Steve Barci (drums): I don't think I've listened to any new music in a long time. I've been listening to the Allman Brothers and Rory Gallagher (laughter)
What kind of older stuff is still changing the way you think about music?
DK: We've been on an Allman Brother's fest
PK: And The Band
SB: The Band, yeah The Last Waltz box set.
DK: God there's so much, so much. Rory Gallagher, the Irish blues guitar player … I mean … that stuff never gets old. There's so much timeless music out there.
How does that kind of stuff influence you guys? Do you want to make stuff like that, or…?
PK: It just makes you feel good, and that inspires you to play.
SB: You wanna play as well as they do. So if Rory is sweating on stage, you think "well that's what I have to do, I have to play that hard." You know, make it work.
DK: Gives you a big kick up the ass, watching stuff like that. It makes you think "holy crap these guys are at the top of their game, and if I ever want to make a career out of this, I've got to buck up." Its wonderful, that stuff.
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