July 22, 2009

Mile High Music Festival 2009 Wrap-Up: Erin McCarley

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Erin McCarley and her male counterpart had a sort of Swell Season thing going on without the back story of having a sort of fake relationship play out in front of audiences across the planet. Also They're more focused on the female vocals, because, you know, the group is Erin's. Her counterpart was on what looked to be your standard Nord keyboard pumping out synth tones and providing Electro beats for Erin to play fairly safe, Adult Alternative kind of singer/songwriter pop tunes.

Erin McCarley - Love, Save The Empty
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Anonymous said...

FYI: Her male counterpart is K.S. Rhoads.http://www.myspace.com/ksrhoads
They are not a duo. He is her keyboard player, but also an independent musician. Her band varies in size depending on which tour she is playing...

Luke Hunter James-Erickson said...

thanks for the info Anon :). he was really good.