September 18, 2009

Monolith Music Festival 2009 Wrap-Up: Stars of Track and Field

IMG_1731.jpg picture by Lukehunter2

I'd heard the name of the band, Stars of Track and Field, about a thousand times, but had only heard a few tracks here and there, none of them sticking in my mind. SoTaF started out and I snapped a few pics, but was ready to move on after a few minutes. They had quite a crowd of people who were digging the tunes pretty heavily, I must say that.

Stars of Track and Field - End of All Time

IMG_1730.jpg picture by Lukehunter2IMG_1729.jpg picture by Lukehunter2IMG_1733.jpg picture by Lukehunter2IMG_1732.jpg picture by Lukehunter2IMG_1735.jpg picture by Lukehunter2IMG_1734.jpg picture by Lukehunter2

1 comment:

Matt Klomp said...

Cool pictures- I'd really like to see these guys live. A Time For Lions is crazy catchy.